Welcome to the Neighborhood

Become a Member of the Kingston Pike Sequoyah Hills Association. Learn all the ways we advocate for the neighborhood, our residents and our visitors.



Sunday, April 6, 2025

The Marathon course runs along Cherokee Blvd., Blows Ferry Rd., and Noelton Dr. Show your neighborhood spirit and CHEER the runners. In the past, the Sequoyah Hills Neighborhood has won the First Place Prize in the marathon’s Annual Neighborhood Cheering Contest. The marathon runners VOTE !!! We have a supply of banners, signs, and noise-makers to help you cheer! Let us know if you want to use them.


Text KPSHA Board Member Lindsay Conrad @ 423-618-0354 for additional information, cheering supplies, or ways to participate.


ANNUAL MEETING APRIL 29, 2025 @ 6:30pm

Sequoyah Elementary School’s Gym

NOTE: The change in location to the elementary school’s gym due to the ongoing construction at SHPC.


NOW THRU MAY 31, 2025


See Below for Email communication to our neighborhood residents. Our 2025 Membership Campaign has begun !!

Request for Memberships 2025

The Kingston Pike Sequoyah Hills Association (KPSHA) Board is starting a membership drive to collect dues for 2025. As of this year, we are simplifying the system so that dues apply to the current calendar year. For example, if you paid dues in June 2024, those dues will apply to the calendar year of 2024. If you pay dues in January of 2025, those dues will apply to 2025. We hope to make January the month when we remind neighbors that it's a new calendar year and will hopefully make it easier all around to keep track of payments, bills, and finances.

Now I know many of you might be thinking, "dues are not mandatory," and you are RIGHT! They aren't. Our neighborhood is especially unique in that we do not have a formal HOA. There are no high monthly fees associated with being part of such a gorgeous neighborhood. In addition, there are no HOA rules or regulations regarding what can be done to your home and/or yard. However, we do want to take this opportunity to talk about what the KPSHA DOES with these voluntary funds because we think it's important to know where your money goes when you contribute to the KPSHA.

  1. While the city does take care of the Sequoyah Park mowing and maintenance, the KPSHA pays for the dog waste bags and bag pickups that you see throughout the park and along Cherokee Blvd. This is not paid for by the city. One can only imagine what the park and Cherokee Blvd would look like without these dog waste bags and bag pickups.

  2. KPSHA supplied, paid for, and installed Holiday Decorations at two places in our neighborhood: the Lit Christmas Tree located at the Frog Fountain and the Christmas Greenery Swags hanging from every other light post along Cherokee Blvd. 

  3. The landscaping and flowers that you see around intersections are supplied and paid for by the KPSHA: the Frog Fountain, the intersection of Scenic and Scenic/Southgate, the top of Cherokee Blvd., and the end of Cherokee Blvd. This is the largest expenditure of KPSHA and every year we discuss how much we can continue to sponsor the flowers and the labor to maintain this landscaping. The fountain is beautiful and a centerpiece of our neighborhood. Imagine it with no seasonal flowers.

  4. The KPSHA thinks it's important to bring neighbors together and create a sense of community which is why we invest in events like the Labor Day Picnic and the Christmas Tree Lighting. We hope our neighbors enjoyed getting to know each other at these events. We strive for a sense of community that gives back to each of you in different ways.

  5. We want to be an advocate for our neighborhood where possible and respond as a strong voice when neighbors voice concerns. Recently, we advocated for reduced marquee signage, enhanced noise-barring landscaping, and reduced night-time ambient lighting at the new neighborhood gas station. We successfully lobbied the new owners to respect the wishes of their customers and neighbors. 

  6. We manage the Facebook Page and SequoyahHills.org website and do our best to ensure neighbors can connect with other neighbors and look out for each other. We hope in some way this communication has benefitted you directly.

  7. We send out newsletters informing those neighbors who are not on social media nor in our email list of the current neighborhood events and important updates.

  8. As a board, we hope that our work in some way has made living here better for you whether it be visually, bringing you together with neighbors, advocating for your property and lifestyle, or making sure you don't come home from your daily walk with feces on your shoe. (We can't make people use the bags, but we can give them the opportunity.) Our KPSHA board is completely volunteer and we would welcome your participation on the board or an ad hoc committee.

These items are things that we do on an annual and continual basis, but in past years we have restored the Frog Fountain, restored the Panther Fountain, helped make sure the fence surrounding Sequoyah Elementary is beautiful and not just chain link, and much, much more. With all this being said, it is January of 2025 and it is time for the board to ask our neighbors to please donate to the KPSHA so that we can continue our voluntary efforts of making life here special, beautiful, enjoyable, and clean. There are multiple levels of donation options and we genuinely appreciate everyone's generosity as your donations make it easier for us to make this neighborhood even greater year after year. 

ALERT !!!! Be on the lookout for a fundraising effort we will announce soon for MEMBERS ONLY. We are trying other ways to raise our membership numbers and raise additional funds and we think you will like it!

Benefits of KPSHA Membership


Keep up with Neighborhood News and Activities with the quarterly newsletter and periododic updates with Blogs and Facebook posts.


Advocating at City Council and County Commission Meetings for issues facing our neighborhood. Securing legal advise when required.


The KPSHA sponsors community building activities such as the Labor Day Picnic, Christmas Tree Lighting, and Cheer Sections for the Knoxville Marathon.


The KPSHA funds all flower beds and planting areas at five major intersections in the neighborhood, most prominently at Sunhouse (FROG) Fountain.

Kingston Pike Sequoyah Hills Association


There are 1850 distinct addresses in the Kingston Pike Sequoyah Hills Neighborhood. There are homeowners and renters, families and students, and retirees and entrepreneurs living in our neighborhood. There is a top-notch elementary school and a Knox County library branch. We welcome new residents and we applaud third (or more) generation residents to this neighborhood that we call home. KPSHA strives to create a better community and to preserve our unique neighborhood character.

First created in 1925, Cherokee Blvd., the backbone of Sequoyah Hills, still stands as one of Knoxville’s premier residential streets. Over 100 years of history paint the neighborhood with unique buildings and interesting family lore. Learn more about the KPSHA Mission Statement and join our association to help us meet our goals.

KPSHA Membership Levels

Good Neighbor

Your Good Neighbor membership supports KPSHA’s overall efforts to serve the neighborhood, such as maintaining the website and printing and mailing the quarterly newsletter. We provide supplies for the annual meeting, the Boulevard Christmas decorations and tree lighting, the Knoxville Marathon cheering sections, and other neighborhood events. We also maintain the pet waste stations. If the association ever needs professional advice on an issue related to maintaining the character of the neighborhood, our dues help cover those costs.

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Beautification Society

By adding $100 to your membership, you enable KPSHA to maintain the shrubbery and flower beds at intersections throughout the neighborhood and on Cherokee Boulevard. The beauty of these areas, like the display of tulips around the Sunhouse Fountain each spring, enhances the appeal of our neighborhood to residents and to visitors such as the people who tour our Dogwood Trail in April.

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Preservation Alliance

An additional donation helps KPSHA with all the activities described above. It also ensures that we have on hand the resources needed to maintain and improve specific public areas of the neighborhood, especially renovations of Papoose Park, Sunhouse Fountain, and most recently Panther Fountain. This extra donation also allows us to quickly respond to zoning, demolition, and other issues/permits in the neighborhood by seeking expert legal advice so that we understand and can respond to issues affecting our neighborhood.

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Corporate Member

Businesses located in or serving the Kingston Pike/Sequoyah Hills area are invited to become corporate members of KP-SHA. Corporate members will receive a link from our website to their business website for the remainder of the calendar year in which they joined.

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“… the conveniences of the city have been adroitly blended with this picturesque environment.”

— The Mutual Development Company, circa 1929
