Charter Amendment Proposals on Council Agenda for July 23, 2024 at 6PM:

12a - Moves 5th District to election with other districts. Roberto supports this amendment.

12b - Adopts a hybrid at large election process used in 16 other cities in Tennessee and is in compliance with new state law. The 3 at large representatives will remain the same. However, the district members will become regional at large council members who must live within the boundaries of the current 6 districts but are elected at large. This options maintains that every voter can vote for all 9 council members. Roberto supports this amendment.

12c - adopts district only voting in each district race. This means that every voter will go from voting for all 9 members to voting for just 4. Would be a less accountable council and a big change for city voters who have been voting for every council member for 55 years. Roberto does not support this amendment.