Namaste in the Park

As the pandemic hit, Sequoyah Hills resident Cheri Pollack’s yoga classes came to a grinding halt along with everything else. But last April, she decided to offer a free yoga class to neighbors in the park. It started with a post on the neighborhood Facebook page, and grew into a sweet little community that showed up with their mats and water bottles every Tuesday morning. 

Cheri found it was a way for young moms to connect, for people who had never tried yoga to begin their practice, and for everyone to enjoy being in nature and our park. She met people who were 3rd generation Sequoyah Hills residents, others who were on the 3rd house in the neighborhood and those who were completely new to our area. She wanted to create a space for everyone.

As indoor facilities have opened back up, Cheri’s class has remained steadfast in the park. While winter weather looms, she says they will do their best to bundle up and stay outside by the majestic tree in the west parking lot of the Boulevard. And for many of us who haven’t made it to a class, it lifted our spirits to see people finding new ways to come together and enjoy the park during a time of uncertainty.

If you are interested in the class, contact Cheri Pollack


Neighborhood Cheer


The Volunteer Spirit in Sequoyah